Welcome to the Standard In-Fi website!
Vinyl, cassettes and cdrs
Freaky far-out tunes and tones for music lovers
packed in hand made editions!
Standard In-Fi is an association and operates from France
For your orders, questions and suggestions please contact : contact.standard.infi[at]gmail.com
Shipping to France :
(colissimo) 1-2 Lp: 11€. 3-6 Lps: 13€50
Shipping to Europe :
(livres et brochure) regular 1-2 Lp: 6€. 4-6Lps: 8€
(lettre prioritaire recommandée) priority+tracking 1 Lp: 25€ . 2-6 Lps: 26€00
Shipping to rest of the world :
(livre et brochure) regular 1-2 Lp:8€50. 3-6 Lps: 11€
(lettre prioritaire recommandée) priority+tracking 1 Lp: 33€. 2-6 Lps: 36€00
*********************************** BOOKING INFO ***********************************
contact FRANCE: standard.in.fi[at]gmail.com / ygrdn[at]riseup.net
contact TANZ MEIN HERZ: standard.in.fi[at]gmail.com / guilhem.lacroux[at]gmail.com
contact MAITRES FOUS: standard.in.fi[at]gmail.com
contact JOHANA BEAUSSART: johana.beaussart[at]yahoo.fr
contact OR OR: aurore_or[at]ik.me.
contact MEGABASSE: pierre.bujeau[at]wanadoo.fr
contact GUILHEM LACROUX: guilhem.lacroux[at]gmail.com
contact ALEXIS DEGRENIER: jullian.muraillesmusic[at]gmail.com
contact SOCIETE ETRANGE: antoine[at]cartoncartoncarton.com
contact FRANKREICH: sharlukpl[at]hotmail.fr
contact GOLEM MECANIQUE: abelkhanpaperscissors[at]gmail.com
contact ORGUE AGNES: jullian.muraillesmusic[at]gmail.com
contact SOURDURE: jullian.muraillesmusic[at]gmail.com
contact FAUNE: novia43[at]gmail.com / guilhem.lacroux[at]gmail.com
contact TOAD: novia43[at]gmail.com / guilhem.lacroux[at]gmail.com
Make sure you check our back door shop before you leave...
Winter 2025:
Tanz Mein Herz "Redux" are back in stock!
This is the same pressing as first 300, we were waiting on thos 200 prints
to be available.
France "Destino Scifosi" is SOLD OUT. Discussions around a possible repress are taking place.
Perhaps with a possibility of being ready as soon as March. Doing the best we can.
Megabasse "Discorde" repress is in the works,
should be available mid-March 2025
In the summer of 2024, Omertà recorded at Chaudelande Studio in Cherbourg, hosted by the Réaume family,
and in partnership with Carton records. Currently editing and placing the recordings in maestro Mim's hands for mixing.
Release date unknown, but we can tell you it will be a Standard In-Fi, Carton Records and Zamzamrec collaboration.
Fresh news is that guitar wizard Guilhem Lacroux (Tanz Mein Herz, Faune, Toad etc.) is working on a new solo album!!!
You can still check us out on facebook and now even on instagram for occasional fresh news and family pictures...
you can listen to the catalogue on our bandcamp page
std infi 44. FRANCE / DESTINO SCIFOSI sold out
LP, 500 copies. Offset printed covers, promo sticker on protection sleeve.
Released 31st January 2025
in co-production with a1000p.
Distributed by The State51 Conspiracy
The result, Destino Scifosi, is to date the only high quality sound recording the band has ever produced, by a long shot.
Mind you, if you notch that volume button to where the drums sound like they're in the room, you'll have a pretty good idea what the band sounds like live.
With the band heavily inebriated, suffocating heatwave weather, Gourdon playing in speedos, amps falling face flat on the ground a couple of times
and mic stands pushed around by a rowdy audience, Destino Scifosi comes out as a somewhat miraculous document of that evening.
The record price is a bit higher than usual because this time around, the musicians are being paid, thank you for your understanding!!
Recorded by Mim with the help of Laszlo
Edited and Mixed byMim
Mastered by Etienne Foyer
Artwork by Francis, Jeremie, Mathieu, Lionel and Alban-Paul
This albumis dedicated to the loving memory of Sourire (1982-2023)
std infi 43. TANZ MEIN HERZ / REDUX 25€
LP, 500 copies. Offset printed covers, gloss varnish. Stamped labels
Released October 2024
in co-production with Desastre.
Place order by writing to contact.standard.infi@gmail.com
please state the item you wish to buy and the country where you want it sent to.
A paypal invoice will then be sent to you
Les Adieux
is a send off, a tale of energy, death, bliss, cosmic yearnings, time and remembrance.
The takes are from various sources
and instants.
Redux enters the mirror, revolves around a live guitar take of
Tales from the Middle Of The Night also containing reflections of drums and phantom riffs,
here enhanced with later takes of strings.
Full-on kosmiche artwork by Alban-Paul Valmary!!
Side A. recorded by Benjamin Pagier and Guilhem Lacroux,
Mixed by Guilhem Lacroux et Jérémie Sauvage,
mastered by Etienne Foyer
Side B. recorded by Arnaud Chamey and Ernest Bergez
Mixed byErnest Bergez
with Pierre Bujeau and Jérémie Sauvage
Mastered by Etienne Foyer
Cover artwork by Alban-Paul Valmary
std infi 45. OR OR / LA POINTE DES PERIADES 7€
Cassette, 150 copies. Riso printed three panel j-card covers. Printed anisette-coloured tapes
Released 26th of march 2024
in co-production with AB Records.
"La Pointe Des Périades" is an electronic high-altitude flight to mountainous rooftops and beyond,
where sequences shift from misty rocky regions to focus on an ever-rare edelweiss.
A hike where blood pressure, sentiments and souvenirs whirl all into one overwhelming sensation.
Or Or, aka Aurore Debret, is taking her new solo act on tour so beware of her whereabouts!
Be advised she also plays in awesome band Le Dragon Du Poitou, touring central europe this spring.
Produced, recorded and mixed by Aurore Debret
Mastered by Augustin Soulard
Graphic Design by Aldric Lamblin
printed by Oblio Tounkyand Or Or at Toner Toner
std infi 40. MEGABASSE / DISCORDE sold out
LP, Limited Edition, 200 copies. Black vinyl. Stamped labels.
100x Font version: Black ink
silkscreened on hand-assembled white paper covers
100x Photo version: RVB blue ink silkscreened on hand-assembled black paper covers
Released 23rd of february 2024
in co-production with Desastre and Mental Groove
The solo project of Pierre Bujeau, guitarist from Tanz Mein Herz and Omertà, known as Megabasse, is finally making its debut on vinyl!
Back in 2019, Bujeau captured his modal drone-like melodies, enveloped in a fog of majestic soundscapes, across two expansive tracks.
Each track elegantly spans one side of the record, showcasing his masterful use of space and sound.
The A-side was recorded in the serene St. Anne Chapel in Briquebec,
while the B-side found its unique sound within the vast air-ship hangar in Ecausseville, both situated in the picturesque Normandy.
Tom Houghton from the esteemed label All Night Flight eloquently sums up Bujeau's inaugural official release, stating,
"deep plaintive repeating string figures that stretch into the horizon {...}. As they gather momentum, reach a crescendo, and then dissipate,
the notes begin to unfurl, transforming the guitar into an orchestra of bells, a burst of radio static, a flock of swallows under the roof.
Wherever you were, you find yourself transported elsewhere."
Recorded by Julien Olivier
Mixed by d'incise
Lacquers by Daniel Krieger
Photographies by Julien Olivier
Artwork by Alban-Paul Valmary, silkcreen by Olivier Bral
LP 300 copies. Black vinyl, three layer silkscreened on hand-assembled covers and paste on sticker. Stamped labels.
Released 8th of december 2023
After two years of hard work we are extremenly proud to announce Johana Beaussart's new album on glorious vinyl.
In the footsteps of her self-released debut album "Kolokoksta" (available in our backdoor shop) expect a journey into aother audio sci-fi adventure,
this time around built into distinct, thrilling chapters.
Beaussart has hit bull's eye with this record, needless to say she is fire starting the beginning of a very promising "carreer" in music and art.
Make sure you see her perform live and don't miss this gem!!!
Composed and interpreted by Johana Beaussart,
mixed by Johana Beaussart and MTUA.
Digital mastering by MTUA, lacquers by Daniel Krieger.
Artwork by Félicité Landrivon, silkcreen by Olivier Bral
std infi 39. FAUNE/ DES FANTOMES sold out!! more copies on La Nòvia website
2xLP 300 copies. Black vinyl, silkscreened paper mounted on covers, stamped labels.
Released 8th of december 2023 in coproduction with La Nòvia and Animal Biscuit
Guilhem Lacroux and Jacques Puech are back on double vinyl for our immense pleasure!
This all acoustic album sees the band explore all new sonic experiences in french and occitan languages.
Their minimalist signature style is pushed to the boundaries that will keep you thriving in the long winter nights to come.
The band will be touring early 2024, meanwhile don't let this one slip!
Recorded by Julien Gonzalez,
mixed by Guilhem Lacroux
Summoning and digital mastering
by Ernest Bergez
Cover Artwork by Valentin Capony, layout design by Alban-Paul Valmary
Silkscreen by Olivier Bral
std infi 32-2. OMERTA / COLLECTION PARTICULIERE sold out
LP 200 copies. Repress. Black vinyl, offset printed covers, offest printed labels.
Released 20th of march 2023 in coproduction with Zamzamrec and Florence Giroud
interview translated by Yann Berne on It's Psychedelic Baby Magazine
Recorded by Manu Laffeach in November 2019 at Chaudelande Studios , Normandy
Mixed by Ernest Bergez
Mastered and cut by Daniel Krieger
LP, 500 copies. Offset printed reversed cardboard covers, inserts and stamped labels
Released 11th of November 2022 in coproduction with Murailles Music
"Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee"
Very proud to present the most exciting all-acoustic percussion-based releases in years.
Alexis Degrenier handles time and space as the master drummer that he is, with the finest of touches.
Each breath, friction, percussion, whether manual or progammed (metronomes, clocks) is skillfully executed and high-spirited, reminecent of Max Roach intentions.
As crazy as this may sound,
all takes are one-offs, with no re-recording,
Degrenier's poetic approach
will leave the listener dazed and grounded, in full awareness of living forms and surroundings.
The instrumentarium is comprised of wood beams, stones, marbles, bells, metronomes, clocks, floor drums, shock-controlled hurdy-gurdy-machine and much more
Excerpt can be heard here.
Recorded at Escueillens
and St.Just in April 2021
Composed, played, mixed and mastered by Alexis Degrenier
Artwork by Lionel Catelan
Photography by Mehdi Benkler
Technical-Recording by Jonathan Goethorpe
Cutting by Daniel Krieger
std infi 38. LA NÒVIA / RAIN BE FOR RAIN BO sold out
Cassette, 150 copies. C-42. Riso printed mass tainted 2 panel j-card cover, stamped-on etiquette on purple tapes in old-school square-angled cases
Released July 2022 in coproduction with Desastre
This mega-mash-up mixtape of La Nòvia musicians and bands is of absolute beauty!
Edited and composed by two of the collective's
corner stones and partners in crime Guilhem Lacroux and Yann Gourdon.
Featuring tracks or extracted takes from the following bands: Violoneuses, La Baracande, Jéricho, Toad, Trio Puech Gourdon Brémaud,
Maintes Fois, Au Seuil du Vent,
In C, Flux, La Cleda, Faune, l'Autre, as well as "bal acoustique" sessions (open jams) and more.
These new edits enable the listener to rediscover the tantric universe of La Nòvia from a different height and motion... flying-carpet-like to say the least!
Composed, edited and mixed by Guilhem Lacroux (A-side) and Yann Gourdon (B-side)
Artwork by Félicité Landrivon
std infi 42. LE CLUB DES GENS SPECIAUX / ST sold out
Cassette, 150 copies. C-40. Photocopied j-card cover, hologram stickers on neon green tapes in neon green case with hologram sticker
Released May 2022 in coproduction with Mayo records
Saint-Etienne roster of local rock superstars Le Club Des Gens Spéciaux, after twenty years of existence and a tumultuous line-up history have finaly
produced an absolute punk-rock gem of a first album. (Standard In-Fi had offered to produce their first album since as far back as 2010!)
You can now imagine how proud the label is to present this wild rocket! Seven all-hits tracks to be pumped up at maximum volume...
Featuring Bertrand Gaude (Tamagawa, Temple Solaire), Guillaume Bertholon (Jubilee, Tête de Cerf), Benoit Skubich (Pervers et Truands, State Poison) and Daniel Roux (Oursonik)
Recorded by the band at Sauf Imprévu, Saint Etienne in january 2022
Mixed by Benoit Skubich
Artwork by Benoit Skubich
LP 300 copies. Translucid green vinyl, offset printed covers, stamped labels.
Released June 2022 in coproduction with Zamzamrec and Florence Giroud
interview translated by Yann Berne on It's Psychedelic Baby Magazine
Recorded by Manu Laffeach in November 2019 at Chaudelande Studios , Normandy
Mixed by Ernest Bergez
Mastered and cut by Daniel Krieger
std infi 36. FRANKREICH / ST sold out
LP 300 copies. Silkscreen kraft cover, offset printed labels.
Released March 2022 in coproduction with Desastre, Cherbourg City Rockers, Tamed Records, Les Disques du Scalpel
Supporting the excellent debute album by Normandy based Raw Doom trio Frankreich
a dark fuzz-wah assault of epic proportions in the style of other Black Metal legends who augment their sound with crushing,
stoner-styled dynamics, earsplitting acid leads in auspicious lo-fi fashion.
The album is a powerful and dark scream anchored by heavy riffs with abrasive vocals and mighty stabbing drums,
caturing the roughness and the rare intensity of their live performance...
this one hits like a sucker punch from the shady streets of the harbour area
Recorded byManu Laffeach in January 2020 at Chaudelande Studios , Normandy
Mixed by Manu Laffeach
Mastered by Cyril Meysson
Cut by Daniel Krieger
Artwork and typographybyDruid High
Printed by Charles Capelle
LP, 300 copies. 45rpm and 33rpm. Offset printed cover with two Pantones, offset printed, blank labels.
Released March 2022 in coproduction with la Novià and Mental Groove.
Et l'Immobile crée le Mouvement,
D'une Pierre lisse aux arrondis saillants,
se détache un tapis
de poussière
On croise le vertical dans son horizon.
Les angles,pris dans leur toile,s'altèrent dans des larmes
en Miroir
volatiles par esprit,
abritons les refuges dans le corps.
Quelques restes deviennent FESTIN.
Au gris d'être nuances,
Aux couleurs d'Arrêter le Temps
D'un Rocher érodé,
D'une Clé en demeure
De Ciels en Clôture
On devine un sol humide, sous la terre sèche
plonge les doigts,
se Noie.
Quelques traits demeurent uniques.
Au Bleu d'être chemins.
On entend les muets Hrler
et leur vie se Taire
La Chute devient la Ligne
Et le Vecteur crée le Tremblement.
Seul (?)
Alexis Degrenier
Normal speed runs in 45rpm and enables the listener to
access a time suspending version while on 33rpm mode.
Interview between Guilhem Lacroux and Alexis Degrenier where they exchange on their latest albums (Alexis' record is in the works!)
Recorded by Yann Gourdon on the 13th of March 2020 in Haute-Loire.
Mixed and mastered by Guilhem Lacroux
Cut by Daniel Krieger
Cover artwork by Mona Chancogne
Texte pochette par Alexis Degrenier
std infi 35. SOCIETE ETRANGE / CHANCE sold out
LP, 2000 copies. Offset printed ultra-glossy cover with two Pantones , offset printed labels.
Released March 2022 in coproduction with Bongo Joe.
Marbre, lasagnes, légo, lune, réglisse, sève, apesanteur...
Ce sont autant de mots et leurs sensations associées qui me viennent à l'esprit quand je songe à la musique de Société Etrange
et plus précisément à ce tout nouvel album nommé mystérieusement « Chance ». A vrai dire c'en est une de chance qu'il existe ce voyage.
Le groove allemand de Can, les brouillards fantomatiques de Phew et l'élasticité industrielle de African Head Charge. Tout ça et bien plus.
Société Etrange c'est une entité, c'est un nom et un son. Un son compact et précis, ciselé, travaillé, artisanal comme on creuserait
minutieusement au canif des chaînes d'ADN dans un noyau d'avocat. L'électronique analogique côtoie et épouse le digital,
l'électrique et l'acoustique, sans pose, dans une grande procession accueillante qui pourrait faire des ronds sur elle-même des heures,
des nuits, des semaines durant tant il est jouissif d'onduler du bassin en son sein, sous hypnose.
Dans chacune des compositions qui jalonnent cette "Chance" le développement de la musique ne cherche jamais à profiter
d'effets faciles, de drops, de relances à la truelle, de percussions invasives ou de sons racoleurs.
C'est tout l'inverse, tout se passe sur la pointe des pieds. C’est la sensualité larvée, l'autonomie des motifs et l'économie
de leur déploiement qui rend ces sons aussi addictifs et envoutants. La musique plane au dessus de nos têtes comme une grosse volute argentée,
lascive et sensuelle. Lors des concerts du groupe c'est dans une communion toute lumineuse mais non moins rampante
que s'exprime toute une alégresse des corps suspendus dans un temps autre que celui qui s'impose à nous tous les jours..
Oui c'est ce double mouvement que permet cette musique. Dansant, ondoyant mais aussi abyssal et méditatif.
Cela nous dit des choses de notre monde, de ses entrailles et de ces trois musiciens qui sculptent cette matière depuis des années,
sillonnant les routes d'Europe pour évangéliser nos oreilles, tels des représentants en Strangonite.
Merci Standard In-Fi et Bongo Joe. Le monde ne le sait pas encore mais il a besoin de ce disque.
Èlg, Bruxelles, janvier 2022
Recorded in July 2020 in Vaulx-En-Velin
Mixed by d'incise
Mastered by Ernest Bergez
Cut by Daniel Krieger
Artworks byGaia Vincensini
Graphics by Félicité Landrivon
Split LP, Mono, 300 copies. Offset printed ultra-glossy cover with Pantone 877C, offset printed Pantone 877C labels.
Released Novembre 2021 in coproduction with Mayo Records, Le Cri De La Harpe and Desastre.
Lazer-beam ultra-raw, all-hail!-low-fidelity tape recordings of a memorable night in Saint Etienne where both bands shared the bill.
The split LP features both band's full set, respectively 25 minutes (Temple Solaire) and 40 minutes (France)!!!
Temple Solaire is a raw-stoner trio starring local Le Club Des Gens Spéciaux's co-founder Bertrand Gaude (aka Tamagawa),
Mathieu Tilly from France (playing two sets every night on that tour!!!) and non other than Saint-Etienne legendary bass player Bariz,
freshly arriving in the roster after Nicolas Tilly's departure.
France play a rare 2006-era 5-beat-measure that night (reminiscent of the first LP's pattern) in a smoke-saturated and dephased-strobe-soaked live-house...
Recorded on a stereo-tape-recorder by Pierre Bujeau on the 20th of December 2013 in Saint-Etienne
Mixed by Thomas Robyn
Cut by Daniel Krieger
Cover artwork and typographybyDruid High
std infi 09-3. FRANCE / DO DEN HAAG CHURCH sold out
LP, 500 copies. 180g vinyl, offset printed uncoated cover with Pantone 803U and 2028U,
paste-on stamped credit-etiquette and offset printed labels.
Released November 2021 in coproduction with Stoned To Death and Mental Groove
An eastern-europe special-run of the band's natural reverb drenched classic.
Recorded back in 2008 in minus zero temperatures and hosted by none other than mighty-maryjane-huffing John Bangma.
Mental Groove and Standard In-Fi are very glad to add Czech based label Stoned To Death to the DDHC adventure.
This edition is the occasion to visualy revisit the original Cdr aesthetic and enhancing the title's typography.
Few copies available here.
Recorded on H2 by who-ever on the 15th of December 2008 in Den Haag
Mixed by
Mastered by
Cover artwork by Sauvage and Druid High, typography by Druid High
LP, 500 copies. Offset printed coated cover with Pantone 2271C, offset printed insert and offset printed labels.
Released November 2021 in coproduction with Desastre records. Exclusive distribution by Outre National.
Live in Paris, 12th of June 2014... top-notch re-issue of this classic slice.
Few copies available here.
Recorded on H2 by who-ever
Mixed and mastered by Vincent Mare
Cover artwork by Sauvage, cover typography by Lionel Catelan, insert artwork by Donnie K.
std infi 21. TANZ MEIN HERZ / QUATTRO sold out
2xLP, 444 copies. Silkscreen printed cover with stamped labels.
Released January 2021 in coproduction with Angstrom.
At last Tanz Mein Herz's recordings at Gamounet (2016) have been pressed on marvelous vinyl!
Line-up of the band is at it's fullest with Guilhem Lacroux, Alexis Degrenier, Mathieu Tilly, Pierre Bujeau, Pierre-Vincent Fortunier,
Ernest Bergez and Jeremie Sauvage.
Featuring high-end versions of "Magical Stones and Shiny Mud" and "Spiegel Haus" present on the"Dosses" LP as well as yet unreleased themes in the finest audio quality.
Play it Loud!!
- Alor (11mn 20s)
- Tales from the middle of the night (11mn 05s)
- Magical stones and shiny mud (19mn 45s)
- Spiegel haus (26mn 36s)
- 96 (15mn 25s)
- Outro (07mn 13s)
Le Son est Multiple,
Du bourdon résonnant, de couches en suspens, on sort des corps de bois pour habiter la pièce,
jusqu’à l’infime fumée de lumière en éclats d’un instrument pluriel.
Les rebonds aussi longs que distants, poussent les murs jusqu’à l’extinction promise, restée dans son mouvement.
Les fleurs poussent alors dans un ostinato libre, en suspens, dans l’air encore.
C’est en existant par l’absence que peuvent s’étendre les ramifications et créer la première trace hypnotique et dans un temps Immobile.
Seul est un Frottement.
Les timbres se délient sous les cordes, sons continus, retards et motifs.
Nul ne sait ce que l’on contemple lorsque l’attente devient plaisir...
Ce ne sont plus des voix qui chuchotent mais un délicat jeu de désirs.
Le Corps vibre dans une douce tension de larges saillies.
Le balancier des songes se conjugue au sentiment de disparaître dans la foule
Ce qui fût invite à saisir ce qui est perdu, et se transforme infiniment.
Le Multiple est un seul
dans l’infime comme l’immensité.
la Pierre et les particules circulent ensemble, d’un vecteur complexe on devine une ligne-courbe, celle-ci devient cercle,
dans un jeu de rythmes entremêlés d’où émane soudain le bloc devenu Un.
Un seul jeu d’accords, Un seul Temps jadis orgue de durées.
Un Frottement est un Son
Un retour a l’objet répété.
De la tourbe émanent des pas obstinés, s’accentuant en empruntant les voies verticales.
L’ascension élargit le spectre pour sortir des terres et tisser des lignes de fuite.
Une voix qui monte dans un ciel qui décline.
Puis Revenir… encore et toujours vers le perdu jamais parti.
Seul encore le bourdon complexe, où tout ce qui bougeait encore devient fixe
Longue vibration où chaque instrument disparu en pointillés
Ici reprend la fin par la base, et le départ à son épilogue.
La boucle est éternelle tant le sens s’aperçoit dans les détails.
Le silence revient dans l’Absolu et sa diffusion
excerpt 1
excerpt 2
excerpt 3
Recorded at Gamounet (St.Bonnet-Près-Riom France) in April 2016 during a two-days public recording session by Frederic Alstadt.
Mixed and mastered by Frederic Alstadt at Angstrom (Bruxelles, Belgium)
Original wood engraving by Valentin Capony
Cover silkscreened by
Olivier Bral
std infi 21. TANZ MEIN HERZ / QUATTRO sold out
2xLP, limited to 66 copies. Silkscreen printed cover with stamped labels.
Released January 2021 in coproduction with Angstrom.
At last Tanz Mein Herz's recordings at Gamounet (2016) have been pressed on marvelous vinyl!
Line-up of the band is at it's fullest with Guilhem Lacroux, Alexis Degrenier, Mathieu Tilly, Pierre Bujeau, Pierre-Vincent Fortunier,
Ernest Bergez and Jeremie Sauvage.
Featuring high-end versions of "Magical Stones and Shiny Mud" and "Spiegel Haus" present on the"Dosses" LP as well as yet unreleased themes in the finest audio quality.
Play it Loud!!
- Alor (11mn 20s)
- Tales from the middle of the night (11mn 05s)
- Magical Stones and Shiny Mud (19mn 45s)
- Spiegel Haus (26mn 36s)
- 96 (15mn 25s)
- Outro (07mn 13s)
Le Son est Multiple,
Du bourdon résonnant, de couches en suspens, on sort des corps de bois pour habiter la pièce,
jusqu’à l’infime fumée de lumière en éclats d’un instrument pluriel.
Les rebonds aussi longs que distants, poussent les murs jusqu’à l’extinction promise, restée dans son mouvement.
Les fleurs poussent alors dans un ostinato libre, en suspens, dans l’air encore.
C’est en existant par l’absence que peuvent s’étendre les ramifications et créer la première trace hypnotique et dans un temps Immobile.
Seul est un Frottement.
Les timbres se délient sous les cordes, sons continus, retards et motifs.
Nul ne sait ce que l’on contemple lorsque l’attente devient plaisir...
Ce ne sont plus des voix qui chuchotent mais un délicat jeu de désirs.
Le Corps vibre dans une douce tension de larges saillies.
Le balancier des songes se conjugue au sentiment de disparaître dans la foule
Ce qui fût invite à saisir ce qui est perdu, et se transforme infiniment.
Le Multiple est un seul
dans l’infime comme l’immensité.
la Pierre et les particules circulent ensemble, d’un vecteur complexe on devine une ligne-courbe, celle-ci devient cercle,
dans un jeu de rythmes entremêlés d’où émane soudain le bloc devenu Un.
Un seul jeu d’accords, Un seul Temps jadis orgue de durées.
Un Frottement est un Son
Un retour a l’objet répété.
De la tourbe émanent des pas obstinés, s’accentuant en empruntant les voies verticales.
L’ascension élargit le spectre pour sortir des terres et tisser des lignes de fuite.
Une voix qui monte dans un ciel qui décline.
Puis Revenir… encore et toujours vers le perdu jamais parti.
Seul encore le bourdon complexe, où tout ce qui bougeait encore devient fixe
Longue vibration où chaque instrument disparu en pointillés
Ici reprend la fin par la base, et le départ à son épilogue.
La boucle est éternelle tant le sens s’aperçoit dans les détails.
Le silence revient dans l’Absolu et sa diffusion
excerpt 1
excerpt 2
excerpt 3
Recorded at Gamounet (St.Bonnet-Près-Riom France) in April 2016 during a two-days public recording session by Frederic Alstadt.
Mixed and mastered by Frederic Alstadt at Angstrom (Bruxelles, Belgium)
Original etching by Valentin Capony
Cover silkscreened by
Olivier Bral
LP, limited to 75 copies. Silkscreen printed cover with stamped label. Riso printed insert.
Released November 2020 in coproduction with Desastre records.
Originaly meant to be a 150 copies run destined for wholesale to distributors and shops. 75 copies were lost in shipping therefore the remaining copies
will be sold on both labels' website.
Live in Paris, 12th of June 2014
Mixed and mastered by Vincent Mare
Cover artwork by Sauvage, cover typography by Lionel Catelan, insert artwork by Donnie K.
Cover printed by
Olivier Bral
td infi K. FRANCE / BIZARRO sold out
CDR, 50 copies. Marker painted cardboard covers, all different. Stamped
Released June 2020
For those of you who know Sealab 2021's "bizarro" episode this live won't deceive you :
Robo-space black-metal doppelgangers, an unstable narrative, loose bondage, a repulsive egg eclosion, space-ship breakdowns, low-tech animation and a grueling outcome...
Comes with a pumped-up multitrack mix and in unique hand made covers
Recorded live at Mondo Bizarro (35000 Rennes) by Antoine Nouel,
Mixed by Antoine Nouel
(with Liliane Demirdjian and Jeremie Sauvage) at Studio Sound Love
Drawings by either Thaïs or Manon, our seven-year-old-twin-sisters friends
std infi 31. MAURITANIAN TAPES 1254/ 3116 sold out
Double cassette, 50 copies. C-60 + C-45, Silkscreen printed mass tinted green cover with stamped labels.
Released June 2020
Original tapes bought in Nouadhibou, Mauritania in 2007.
The shop owner where these tapes were bought (Standard Maghreb-Arab) collects and duplicates recordings made by portable tape machine owners
that go to musicians' homes and record there directly. In this highly religious country, traditional music is produced as a means of reaching God
therefore the musicians' identity is irrelevant. As proposed in the shop (and this catalogue) the only differentiation between tapes is the numbers.
Here 1254 and 3116. These recordings feature background talking, low fidelity sound, beautiful music, sand and heat magnetic deterioration,
extended tuning interludes as well as rough tape-end cuts... the african must!
Ripped by Yann Berne.
Original drawings by Unknown, layout by Sauvage
Printed by Olivier Bral
std infi 30. MAURITANIAN TAPES 502 / 990 sold out
Double cassette, 50 copies. C-60 + C-60, Silkscreen printed mass tinted green cover with stamped labels.
Released June 2020
Original tapes bought in Nouadhibou, Mauritania in 2007.
The shop owner where these tapes were bought (Standard Maghreb-Arab) collects and duplicates recordings made by portable tape machine owners
that go to musicians' homes and record there directly. In this highly religious country, traditional music is produced as a means of reaching God
therefore the musicians' identity is irrelevant. As proposed in the shop (and this catalogue) the only differentiation between tapes is the numbers.
Here 502 and 990. These recordings feature background talking, low fidelity sound, beautiful music, sand and heat magnetic deterioration,
extended tuning interludes as well as rough tape-end cuts... the african must!
Ripped by Yann Berne.
Original drawings by Unknown, layout by Sauvage
Printed by Olivier Bral
std infi 27. FRANCE /MELTDOWN OF PLANET EARTH sold out
LP, limited to 150 copies. Silkscreen printed on thick folder cover with stamped label. Riso printed insert.
Released June 2020 in coproduction with Desastre records.
Live in Paris, 12th of June 2014
Mixed and mastered by Vincent Mare
Cover artwork by Sauvage, cover typography by Lionel Catelan, insert artwork by Donnie K.
Cover printed by
Olivier Bral
std infi 29. FRANCE /FAR-OUT FAR-WEST sold out
Single sided LP limited to 300 copies with offset printed sleeve and holographic sticker.
Record plays inside-out 33 minutes, recorded live 06.02.2008
Released march 2020 in coproduction with Mental Groove.
This was the band's first gig outside of their usual confortable friendly circle and thus was perceived as a somewhat hostile experience in a hostile environment.
It was also where they met the fellows of Les Portagers Nature who would later come to release the band's debute untitled album.
This one does bring back many memories, and to be sure the time warp is clearly distinct, the record is to be read inside-out!
... and the story goes on.
Recorded by Mathieu Tilly on camera (the film exists but the images are blank...)
Mastered by Ernest Bergez
Artwork by Khawhigh Visuals (Druid High & Juliette Khawam)
thanks to Arnaud Bruil for helping us book that tour : meeting up on myspace (!) because his band's name was, and still is, France Sauvage... what's up motherfuckers?!! See you on the road!
std infi 28. TANZ MEIN HERZ /DOSSES sold-out
LP, 500 copies, silkscreened covers with stamped labels.
Released december 2019 in coproduction with Desastre and Mental Groove.
In 2015 Tanz Mein Herz welcome a new arrival among its ever-evolving roster of musicians, the self-taught hurdy-gurdy wizard Alexis Degrenier (from La Tène among other bands).
With a tour already in the works, the musicians settle on a set consisting of old material (Magical Stones and Shiny Mud) as well as new themes such as Spiegel Haus, both built around the new instrumentation.
The selection presented on Dosses is taken from the very first rehearsals around these themes, as the musicians strive and wander about freely in search of new musical vistas and promising friendship.
Line-up consists of Alexis Degrenier, Ernest Bergez, Pierre Bujeau, Pierre-Vincent Fortunier, Guilhem Lacroux, Jérémie Sauvage and Mathieu Tilly.
Recorded by the band on Zoom H2 in Cinquin in 2015, edited, mixed and mastered in 2019 by Ernest Bergez in Thiers.
Original engraved artwork by Unknown, layout by Sauvage, printed by Antoine Lambin at Société Ecran.
std infi 26. SOURDURE /MANTRAS sold out
3xLP, 500 copies, silkscreened triple-slot pasted covers with stamped labels.
Released december 2019 in coproduction with Mental Groove, Desastre and Ana Ott.
In June 2016, the great-outdoors music festival Echos asked Ernest Bergez aka Sourdure to produce a series of "mantras" set to be diffused in between each
of the twenty-four hours event taking place in the french Alpes. These pieces were played on the festival's gigantic speakers/ horns system in the afternoon,
evening, night, morning, noon... and reverberated fully in the rocky valley. This triple vinyl edition gathers the field-recording-like captures of the tracks delivered once again
through the system later that year by Ernest Bergez with the help of Frédéric Bernier, Joachim Brissaud and Julien Dessailly.
All instruments by Ernest Bergez except the Gaida, the Uillean Pipe and the Low Whistle by Julien Dessailly. This edition contains three complementary pieces
composed from the original recordings (June 2016 and November 2016) and recorded in Royat in May 2017.
A highly esoteric and cosmic soundscape journey, to be played at maximum volume!
Ernest Bergez deeply thanks Association Dôme and Association Les Villages des Jeunes.
Recorded in November 2016 in Faï and mixed in 2017 in Royat by Ernest Bergez.
Digital master by Ernest Bergez. Vinyl master by 21Mastering. Cutting by SST.
Artwork by Sauvage and Druid-High, printed by Antoine Lambin at Société Ecran.
Commandé par l'Association Dôme pour le festival Echos, les Mantras ont été composés par Ernest Bergez au Faï en Juin 2016.
Enregistré sur les trompes du Faï pour Standard In-Fi en Novembre 2016, avec le concours de Frédéric Bernier, Joachim Brissaud et Julien Dessailly.
Gaida, Uilleann Pipe et Low Whistle y sont joués par Julien Dessailly et tout les autres instruments par Ernest Bergez.
La présente édition contient trois pièces complémentaires composées à partir de matériaux originaux et enregistrés à Royat en Mai 2017.
Chaleureux remerciements à l'Association Dôme et l'Association Les Villages des Jeunes.
- Ernest Bergez
no cat. OMERTA /OMERTA sold out
CDr, 40 copies, riso printed paste-on covers, stamped.
Re-issued 2019
Omertà is about to enter the studios after 5 years of off & ons to record new material.
This CDr re-issue
of their selftitled debute album is a means of supporting the up-coming recording expenses.
The band is spread out all over France and europe so we need a little gas money in order to all make it on time!
Recordings will take place at Studio Chaudelande, in
Normandy, right by the Manche sea (British Channel)...
A big thank you in advance to all
buyers and supporters!
Recorded and mixed by Ernest Bergez in 2014 at GRIM studios in Marseille. Mastered by Frederic Alstadt.
Alternative artwork by Florence Giroud.
std infi 04. MAITRES FOUS
/MEGAZOIC sold out
7 inch lathe cut, 30 copies, silkscreened on hand assembled cardboard covers.
Released 2019 in collaboration with Troglosound
Dubbed as sound escapers, professional imposters or experts of nothing, Maitres Fous operate since 2008 into the voïd of improvised cosmic bastard music.
Extra limited lathe-cut of two fine selections taken out of a two days jam session organised by none other than electronic underground superstar Raymonde himself.
Qualified to satisfy!
Recorded in Passage Gonin, Lyon on the 23rd of November 2015 by Raymonde.
Mixed and edited by David Vanzan
Artwork by Virginia Genta
Printed by Félicité Landrivion
std infi 20. GUILHEM LACROUX / LA JOURNEE sold out
2x Cassette, 3 sided, 50 copies, wood engraved hand assembled tape box, double tape jewel case box, wood engraved sleeve, wood engraved set of 12 cards.
Released 2019
En 1995/1996 Guilhem Lacroux, alors étudiant au Conservatoire National de Région de Lyon (C.N.R aujourd'hui C.R.R) en classe de composition acousmatique réalisera la pièce La Journée,
présentée comme pièce de fin de cursus. Comprenant une mise à plat des procédés étudiés aussi bien lors des prises de son, des sessions de montage et de mixage, Lacroux se basera sur les textes
écrits par J.B Vovau, interprétés par l'acteur sonore J.Millot pour évoquer la causalité, l'abstraction de la pratique acousmatique et ce de manière animiste.
La divérsité des supports (numérique, analogique, haute et basse définitions), des techniques (morphing, cut-up, séquence-jeu) et des moteurs d'écritures (sérendipité, madrigalisme) font de
La Journée l'exemplum d'une époque en pleine métamorphose gestuelle, sensible et temporelle.
All music, recordings, mixing by Guilhem Lacroux
in 1995/1996
Artwork and hand prints by Valentin Capony
std infi 22. FRANCE /OTT sold out
2xLPs, 3 sided, 500 copies, offset printed gatefold covers
Released 2019 in collaboration with Mental Groove
Live at Ana Ott Festival at a time when the band borrowed drum kits and amplifiers from the venues.
Recorded live in Duisburg in 2015 by Pascal Gehrke
Mixed by Nils Herzogenrath
Mastered by SST
Cover layout by Sauvage & Lionel Catelan (artwork by unknown)
std infi 12. FAUNE / VOLATIL sold out
LP, 150 copies. Lo-Fi. Silkscreen printed thick folder cover with stamped label. Comes with interview of the band.
Released 2019
interview part 1
interview part 2
interview part 3
Faune is a duo featuring Guilhem Lacroux (Toad, La Baracande, Tanz Mein Herz) on guitar and lapsteel as well as Jacques Puech (Jericho,
Duo Puech-Gourdon ...) on voice, bagpipes, shruti box and glass harmonica. The traditional themes they play are solely taken from the Cantal
territory (Auvergne), a very rich and diversified area in terms of musical heritage. Both musicians here aim for a minimal approach, using their
amps only to generate the lowest, most haunting melodies and drone possible, thus enabling a very rich and variation-full breeding ground for the
voice (sung in French and Occitan). Recorded on their first live appearance, this session is, in all it's fragility, a beautiful document where both
musicians are captured in full devotion to the Music.
Recorded by the band in Fontaine St.Martin (2012)
Mastered by Frederic Alstadt. Artwork by Sauvage, hand-typo by Druid High. Printed by Olivier Bral.
LP, 12" 45rpm, 300 copies, offset printed covers
Released 2018 in collaboration with Desastre
In 2014 Tanz Mein Herz -formed in 2005- at last decide to produce their first record, Territory (std in-fi 10, 2015)
In order to carry out the recordings on Revox tape, the band hand the job to Ernest Bergez (aka Sourdure) who will end-up playing percussions and
tambourine before being finally invited to join the Tanz Mein Herz familly for good.
The dubbing of these tapes, produced by Guilhem Lacroux and Ernest Bergez, were layed out onto tape using three Revox tape decks,
a series of analogue filters, effects and mixers all united for the occasion.
These mix sessions gave birth to the recordings presented on Territory as well as a series of more adventurous mixes done on alternative takes of
the themes and now presented to you on the record Une Autre Version De Territory (Another Version Of Territory).
Recorded and mixed in Rilleux-La-Pape by Bergez and the band, 2014
Dubbed in Cinquin by Guilhem Lacroux and Ernest Bergez with Jeremie Sauvage and Pierre Bujeau, 2014.
Mastered by SST. Special thanks to Simon Dijoud for the gear and precious help. Artwork by Sauvage.
std infi 23. ORGUE AGNES / A UNE GORGE (Alien Version) sold out
LP, 60 copies, silkscreen printed covers with Riso printed insert
Released 2018 in collaboration with A1000P and three:four records
Orgue Agnès is the reunion of Laurent Gérard, Clément Vercelletto and Ernest Bergez.
Recorded by Mim in Germ-Louron, mixed by Mim at Empire Digitale, Bruxelles
Mastered by Julien Grandjean at Jetlag, Vevey
Alternative "Alien" artwork by Mona Chancogne
std infi 23. ORGUE AGNES / A UNE GORGE sold out
LP, 300 copies, offset printed covers
Released 2018 in collaboration with A1000P and three:four records
Orgue Agnès is the reunion of Elg, Clément Vercelletto and Sourdure.
This is dance music and this music dances.
We rub the music. We get rubbed. We get knee-deep in the music. We hang on it.
Dancing is a form of reflection – a form of listening. Our bodies reflect off of the music.
The music bounces and pings and pongs all around us.
The music is not inside us.
It is all around us and we grab it with our arching bodies - « a great ball of hot stuff » and we throw it
around. And it throws us around. It is soft and wild.
We dance outside of ourselve
« This is electric. »
A groove is light and subtractive space. It makes more space than it takes up.
And that space is for anything.
A Une Gorge is a dancehall.
Reflective space
This is reflective music and this music reflects.
When we talk about reflection we are not talking about contemplation, that is something else
altogether. Reflection happens between things, right there on the surface.
It bounces around- always moving.
Sunlight bounces off a window and blinds us.
Reflection is bouncing and dancing.
« And now I am free. I can hardly see in front of me »
Ping-pong balls / Gorge et bouche
This is electrified ping-pong music. This music pings and pongs.
Ping-pong balls are commonly used in experimental piano music.
They are chancey things. And they are cheap; you can buy a wack of them for next to nothin’.
Orgue Agnès bounces in loose time and dances and reflects. It is reflective bouncing dance music.
With little effort - or little to no intention – ping-pong balls set off a derive of small detailed sounds.
They are lit alive - light and lighthearted.
They jump for joy. I am talking about Orgue Agnès and ping-pong balls.
A lot of A Une Gorge sounds like it was made with electrifc ping-pong balls bouncing inside of a throat or
a mouth.
A mouth-full of electricity.
A throat (like a mouth) is a filter.
« wah wah woah wow-wah. »
A mouth-throat is a wah. Une gorge is a dancehall.
Orgue Agnès A Une Gorge and this music sounds like it was made inside of one.
As strange and wonderful as it sounds.
- Eric Chenaux
Recorded by Mim in Germ-Louron, mixed by Mim at Empire Digitale, Bruxelles
Mastered by Julien Grandjean at Jetlag, Vevey
Artwork by Jeremie Sauvage
std infi 25. ZIZI / ZIZI sold out
Cassette (C-62), 100 copies, original engraved and assembled covers by hand.
Released 2018
Zizi (aka Les Agissements du Diable) is a super band featuring members of France, Tanz Mein Herz and the almighty Le Vin du Solitaire.
This tape is a mash-up of a private three-days free-rock improvisations of the band in Saint Etienne back in 2013.
Line-up consists of Mathieu Tilly, Pierre Bujeau, Valentin Capony, Eric Vaudatin, Max Lefevre, Louis Dunbar and Jérémie Sauvage.
As a means of presentation, here's a little science fiction written by Yann Berne inspired by the recordings :
We figured we had hit Jackpot when the hinges finally broke under the repeated assaults of the crowbar,
and the lab door creaked open in a cloud of dust. There were machines alright, not much that wasn’t one, or part of one, or controlled by one.
But dust? It was a rare thing to come by these days.
Once the nanochips decided there was no clear mathematical value to dust, the world quickly became a smooth ball of lifeless plastic, endlessly crushed,
melted and recycled, replacing flesh, wood, fabric, even metal after a while.
We made our way through piles of antiquated devices, parts, and layers upon layers of various dirts, laughing madly as we smeared our immaculate
uniforms, stomping, rolling, inhaling the fine particles of the dying organic world.
After some frantic browsing, something caught our eye, coated in a thick pelt of grime that came off in a fog as it went from hand to hand: a bundle of
actual paper, dog-eared, crumpled, coffee-stained -remember coffee? me neither- a notebook of some sort, text, sketch, comic book, map, journal, manual,
bible, entitled “The reverse transmorpher, humanity’s last hope for an unclean future”.
Perusing the fatigued pages lead us to the over-sized booth in the farthest corner of the lab, surrounded by a variety of random materials.
This was an old model, prototype maybe, but we knew it inside out and hadn’t time to waste. In a half-assed, half-hearted pang of regret, humans had
realized they weren’t much without organic matter, and paradoxically needed a machine to turn back the tide of apocalyptic progress.
The way it worked was that you put stuff into it and it came back out as a more primitive version of itself:
metal came out as rock, glass as sand, plastic as a gooey mess. The electronic brain behind the process worked in ways no human knew, as it had itself
been designed by machines, and it was against the law to tamper with it, which was precisely what we were doing.
Hacking in took days and involved copious amounts of brute force and profanities, flipping her circuits and corrupting her database; so when time came
to test it, we were wild-eyed and sore as we shoved a power-drill in.
The Transmorpher took longer than normal to reverse it, and when we opened it, out came a heap of random rubbish: wood chips, gravel, snake skin,
nuts and bolts, half a trumpet, and all kinds of multicolored gelatinous muck.
We screamed in ecstatic unison and had another go, putting in power tools, clothes, computers, whatever we could put our hands on and stuff inside the machine,
which clearly had the time of her life and a lot of trouble processing all the junk, gradually spewing out the weirdest, most abstract matter she could
come up with.
Zebra cowboy pants, purple pickle parachute, spotted dick, a bouncy castle made of melted cheddar, molecules of hillbilly jazz, artificial chest hair, a miniature
Golden Gate bridge, pure mercury bubbles, a solid bronze cheeseburger, transparent grasshoppers, Braille pornographic material, and zillions of cubic
of dust, as if a giant mouth had suddenly blown on the great big gap behind the cosmic furniture, right where the machines had forgotten to look.
We knew it was a matter of hours before they figured us out, but until then we at least would wallow once more in the crucial muck that had borne us and would
soon see us off too.
What next? I don’t know baby, but this is one hell of a sunset.
- Yann Berne
Recorded in Saint Etienne in 2013. Edited and mixed by Jérémie Sauvage in 2018, mixed and mastered by Eric Vaudatin in 2018.
Artwork and print by Eric Vaudatin
excerpt 1
excerpt 2
excerpt 3
std infi 19. GOLEM MECANIQUE/ MEDEA sold out
Cassette, clutch, stones. 30 copies, water coloured, airbrushed and stamped covers. Rodoid inserts.
Released 2018
Following her "Chant IV" (on DSD records), Golem Mecanique presents the 2nd part of her Antique Trilogy, Medea.
Featuring lullabies evoking matters such as the dislocation of the spirit and it's wanderings or the balancing of death and the ambition to be king.
Golem Mecanique delivers an ultra-sensible and haunting appoach to sound in this double homage to the Greek myth of Medea and to film maker
P.P.Pasolini using voice, zither and boite-à-bourdon.
"Many times I have been haunted by the landscape of Colchide dry and devoured. And the silhouette of this woman who murders her brother for the
love of Jason, who kills her children for the hate of Jason.
As a bird of prey, the incredible fabrics that Maria Callas wears act as many opaque veils upon antique mysteries. Many times I have heard with my
flesh the devouring voice of Pasolini. I hear it still, very well present.
Medea is a prayer invoked in the desert, the reflection of a fierce abyss.
Medea is a vain exorcism. I seeked to expluse the madness, yet it wears so many faces it taints a great variety of residues.
The voice has become a vector of incantation. The voice in the mirror. The word is a magic manipulation"
- Golem Mécanique
Recorded in Ariège in 2017. Mastered by Alexis Degrenier. Hand woven gri-gri clutches in cotton, linen and hemp by La Tòrna.
Artwork, printing, painting and stone collecting on Plage Noire beach (Porquerolles, France) by Standard In-Fi.
excerpt 1
excerpt 2
std infi 20. SOURDURE/ MANTRAS sold out
3x cassette. 80 copies, silkscreen printed covers and insert.
Released 2017
In June 2016, the great-outdoors music festival Echos asked Ernest Bergez aka Sourdure to produce a series of ten "mantras" set to be diffused in between each
of the twenty-four hours event taking place in the french Alpes. These ten pieces were played on the festival's gigantic speakers/ horns system in the afternoon,
evening, night, morning, noon... and reverberated fully in the rocky valley. This edition gathers the field-recording-like captures of the tracks delivered once again
through the system later that year by Ernest Bergez with the help of Frédéric Bernier, Joachim Brissaud and Julien Dessailly.
All instruments by Ernest Bergez except the Gaida, the Uillean Pipe and the Low Whistle by Julien Dessailly. The tapes contain three complementary pieces
composed from the original recordings (June 2016 and November 2016) and recorded in Royat in May 2017. This edition also contains the graphic score and lyrics
of a song inspired by the event and the tenth mantra, thus the only piece not present on the tapes, also composed by Sourdure in May 2017.
A highly esoteric and cosmic soundscape journey, to be played at maximum volume!
Ernest Bergez deeply thanks Association Dôme and Association Les Villages des Jeunes.
Recorded in November 2016 in Faï and mixed in 2017 in Royat by Ernest Bergez.
Artwork by Standard In-Fi, printed by Antoine Lambin at Société Ecran.
Commandé par l'Association Dôme pour le festival Echos, les Mantras ont été composés par Ernest Bergez au Faï en Juin 2016.
Enregistré sur les trompes du Faï pour Standard In-Fi en Novembre 2016, avec le concours de Frédéric Bernier, Joachim Brissaud et Julien Dessailly.
Gaida, Uilleann Pipe et Low Whistle y sont joués par Julien Dessailly et tout les autres instruments par Ernest Bergez.
La présente édition contient trois pièces complémentaires composées à partir de matériaux originaux et enregistrés à Royat en Mai 2017.
Chaleureux remerciements à l'Association Dôme et l'Association Les Villages des Jeunes.
- Ernest Bergez
excerpt 1
excerpt 2
std infi 16. OMERTA/ ST sold out
LP, 267 copies, quadricolour silkscreen print on thick folder cover with stamped label, riso and stamp printed insert.
Released 2017, co-produced with Florence Giroud. Please inquire for limited run of alternative covers.
In 2014, artist Florence Giroud invited five musicians to work around texts for her Opera XXS' third chapter, taking form in a long play recording.
The music and texts deal with the disappearance of onelself in the beautiful island of Corsica in the mediterranean sea.
Featuring Romain Hervault (La Société Etrange, Pan Pan Pan), Romain de Ferron (Balladur, Vinci), Pierre Bujeau (Tanz Mein Herz),
Mathieu Tilly (Tanz Mein Herz, France) and Jeremie Sauvage (Tanz Mein Herz, France).
Recorded and mixed by Ernest Bergez in 2014 at GRIM studios in Marseille. Mastered by Frederic Alstadt. Artwork by Florence Giroud.
Printed by Olivier Bral.
excerpt 1
excerpt 2
std infi 17. GUILHEM LACROUX / LA TRAVERSEE sold out
2x cassette, 80 copies. C-40+C-38. Riso printed gatefold cover and insert. Double cassette jewel case. Released 2017
Solo work of free-improvisation/immediate-composition on acoustic lapsteel, banjo, mandoline, acoustic guitar, 12 and 6 strings electric guitar.
As David Keenan puts it "There is something of the late John Fahey's electrical guitar conceptions in the movement of Lacroux's playing,
particularly his last recordings, where Fahey's umbilical to country blues extended far enough to make of it a future wraith, the ghost of it's origin
come back as a distant dream. (...) Guilhem Lacroux works single solitary notes into soft sighing shapes. His playing is taut and loose, sounding tactile,
percussive note clusters, sliding between lunar notes. Lacroux works in signs and patterns, translates them into figures suspended in air, into simple
repeating notes."
Recorded and mixed by Guilhem Lacroux in 2016. Artwork by Ségolène Moteley. Printed by Papier Machine.
excerpt 1
excerpt 2
excerpt 3
std infi 09-2. FRANCE / DO DEN HAAG CHURCH sold out
Repress, LP, 500 copies, offset print on plain cover. Released 2016
Co-produced and co-distributed with Mental Groove Records.
Repress of the band's now well known live recording in Den Haag, 2008.
Another special distributor's version... that pretty much failed again : most copies sold here or at Mental Groove.
Recorded and mixed by France. Artwork by Standard In-Fi.
std infi 15. UNKNOWN / MAURITANIAN TAPES 3116 sold out
Cassette, 60 copies. C-46, Laser printed mass tinted green cover with laser printed and stamped labels. Released 2016.
Original tape bought in Nouadhibou, Mauritania, in 2007 and coming from the same batch as the "Mauritanian Tapes 990", the 3116 sets a second
stone to the serie, this time with double voice, strings and percussion. These recordings feature background talking, low fidelity sound, beautiful
music, sand and heat magnetic deterioration, extended guitar tuning interludes as well as rough tape-end cuts... the african must!
Ripped by Yann Berne. Original drawings by Unknown, layout by Standard In-Fi. Printed by Standard In-Fi.
std infi 14. FAUNE / LE VAISSEAU SE BALANCE sold out
Cassingle, 100 copies. C-14, Riso printed cover with airbrushed and stamped labels. Released 2016
Live selection from 2014 in Lyon. The duo are here heavily amplified, thus giving room to a very thick, dark and sonic manifestation of the band,
perhaps the most stone-rock oriented set Faune have ever played. Rare and epic recordings!!!
Recorded by Ernest Bergez. Mixed by Guilhem Lacroux. Original drawing by Unknown, layout by Standard In-Fi. Printed by Papier Machine.
LP, 300 copies. Silkscreened thick folder cover with stamped label.
Comes with Ricoh printed history of the project, green leaflet here.
Released 2015. Co-produced with Ludovic Sauvage.
Astounding electric guitar and lapsteel solo work by Guilhem Lacroux, the music diviner if any.
The thirty single minute-long tracks present on this motion picture soundtrack will take you far-out in this
far-west slide show of sonic landscapes and nature scenes. Highly soulful and magic, these recordings are
with no doubt the most exciting guitar work produced in a looooong time... Hot off the press!
Check out the limited run of alternative covers in our backdoor shop.
Recorded in Cinquin and mixed by Guilhem Lacroux and Jérémie Sauvage. Mastered by Frederic Alstadt. Artwork by Standard In-Fi and Ludovic Sauvage.
Printed by Olivier Bral.
std infi 12-K7. FAUNE / VOLATIL sold out
Cassette, 80 copies. C-32, Riso printed cover with airbrushed and stamped label. Released 2016.
The long awaited debute recordings from Faune, originaly due to be an LP, has finaly been released as a cassette in order to suit the band's tour
schedule. A few copies are left for those of you who can't wait for the LP (release set for November 2016).
Faune is a duo featuring Guilhem Lacroux (Toad, La Baracande, Tanz Mein Herz) on guitar and lapsteel as well as Jacques Puech (Jericho,
Duo Puech-Gourdon ...) on voice, bagpipes, shruti box and glass harmonica. The traditional themes they play are solely taken from the Cantal
territory (Auvergne), a very rich and diversified area in terms of musical heritage. Both musicians here aim for a minimal approach, using their
amps only to generate the lowest, most haunting melodies and drone possible, thus enabling a very rich and variation-full breeding ground for the
voice (sung in French and Occitan). Recorded on their first live appearance, this session is, in all it's fragility, a beautiful document where both
musicians are captured in full devotion to the Music.
Recorded by the band in Fontaine St.Martin (2012). Mastered by Frederic Alstadt. Artwork by Standard In-Fi. Printed by Papier Machine.
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LP, 300 copies. Silkscreened thick folder cover with stamped label. Released 2015
The long awaited traditional monument is finaly available on record! Tornarem Dançar, recorded in 2004,
stands alone among musicians as the best Auvergne/Limousin traditional album ever recorded in the last decades.
We had originaly proposed to produce a second record of the duo and open our vinyl catalogue back in 2009,
thus these new sessions have never been recorded and might never will. After many years of open
discussion and patience, we are very proud to present an LP version of the only recording of the duo.
This music is simply beautiful, a must have!!
Superb orginal takes by Marc Prévost, newly mastered for vinyl format by Frederic Alstadt. Artwork by Ségolène Moteley (original. Anna Atkins).
Printed by Ségolène Moteley and Standard In-Fi at ESADSE.
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std infi 09-2. FRANCE / DO DEN HAAG CHURCH sold out
Repress, LP, 300 copies, paste-on ricoh print on plain cardboard cover and stamped label.
Released 2015
Co-produced and co-distributed with Mental Groove Records.
Repress of the band's now well known live recording in Den Haag, 2008.
Special distributor's version, only a few copies available for online customers !
Recorded and mixed by France. Artwork by Standard In-Fi. Printed by Standard In-Fi.
std infi 10. TANZ MEIN HERZ / TERRITORY sold out
12" 45rpm album, 300 copies. Airbrushed, spraypainted and silkscreened thick folder cover,
stamped label.
Comes with Ricoh printed interview. Green leaflet part 1 and part 2
Released 2015
Debute record from the band, featuring double bass, lapsteel, bagpipes, guitar, violin, percussions...
With musicians also playing in bands such as Toad, France, Sourdure or Abat. Originaly recorded on 1/4" tape.
Far-out instrumental music with great sound... out now!
Recorded and mixed by Ernest Bergez and Tanz Mein Herz. Mastered by SST. Artwork by Jérémy Muracker and Standard In-Fi. Painted by
Standard In-Fi, printed by Olivier Bral.
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std infi 08-2. TOAD / TOAD sold out
LP, 100 copies, silkscreened thick folder cover and stamped labels.
Released 2015. Delivered with Ricoh printed interview of the band. Green leaflet here.
Co-edited and co-distributed with La Nòvia.
Second print of Toad's debute LP released originaly as Std infi 08.
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Toad.
Artwork by Ségolène Moteley with Standard In-Fi. Printed by Ségolène Moteley and Standard In-Fi at ESADSE.
std infi 09. FRANCE / DO DEN HAAG CHURCH sold out
LP, 300 copies, silkscreened thick folder cover and stamped label.
Released 2014.
Co-produced and co-distributed with Mental Groove Records.
Firstly released on cdr as Standard In-Fi G, then on tape as 8mm40, the Den Haag live recording is back
by popular demand as a vinyl record. Please contact us if you wish to know more about the limited run
of alternative covers.
Recorded, mixed and mastered by France. Artwork by Standard In-Fi. Printed by Hors-Cadre and Standard In-Fi at Hors-Cadre.
std infi 08. TOAD / TOAD sold out
LP, 200 copies, 150g, silkscreened cover with a phosphorescent rorschach gatefold - all different.
Released 2013. Delivered with Ricoh printed interview of the band. Interview here.
Co-edited and co-distributed with La Nòvia.
Our long-time friends and fav' traditional band Toad, whom we've followed ever since their debutes in 2006,
have produced the ultimate recordings for their Lp debute. At their best, the band has worked specifically for
the vinyl format, presenting two suites of carefully selected pieces from the Massif Central region.
We are tremendously proud to say this record is a total bull's eye !!
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Toad. Artwork by Elodie Ortega and Standard In-Fi. Printed and painted by Standard In-Fi at ESADSE.
std infi 07. DOCTEUR LAMORT / BRAIN DRAIN VOL.1 sold out
LP, 100 copies, spraypainted & silkscreened cover - all different. Released 2012
At last, Docteur Lamort's music edited !! This official compilation should help you get a glance of the colossal
work this guy has been up to over the years and around the globe. Don't get me wrong, Brain Drain Vol.1
is a hell of an extreme trip all to itself !!
Only 100 copies, don't miss this gem !
Recorded and mixed by Docteur Lamort. Mastered by Magnetic Mastering. Artwork by Standard In-Fi. Painted and printed by Standard In-Fi
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LP, 100 copies, silkscreened covers - 50 yellow, 50 green cover. Released 2012
Long story short, the material presented on this record was extracted from a tape
bought on a market in south Morroco back in 2007.
These spoken words should help you get rid of the evil eye, witchcraft and other demons... whether you
understand arab or not !
Note : All special effects are from the original recording, we've not added anything !
Artwork by Standard In-Fi. Printed by Standard In-Fi at ESADSE.
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std infi 05. UNKNOWN / MAURITANIAN TAPES 990 sold out
CASSETTE, 80 copies, green case, green shell. Released 2011
Aside the fact that this music is simply beautiful, we sadly have little information to give you here!
Original tape bought in Nouadhibou, Mauritania, in 2007. Traditional music lovers, this is a must have !
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CASSETTE, 80 copies, red case, jelly red shell. Released 2011
Our tape serie is open ! Memorial for the Burning Days is an epic solo album featuring fuzzy-freak-out guitar
and apocalyptic ornaments by Dokutoramo... Japan period. High or die & lo-fi !
Recorded and mixed by Dokutoramo.
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std infi 02. FRANCE / PAU
LP, 200 copies, silkscreened cover and insert. Released 2011. sold out
Co-released with Pagans and 8MM records. Recorded in Pau by Yann Prevost and Tomàs Baudoin.
Second proposition by France for the vinyl format...extreme !!
Recorded by Tomàs Baudoin and Yann Prévost. Mixed and mastered by France.
Artwork by Standard In-Fi. Printed by Standard In-Fi at ESADSE.
LP, 150 copies, spraypainted cover - all different. Released 2010
Originally due to be an experimental release by Yann Gourdon on his electro-acoustic hurdy-gurdy,
this record has finaly gathered three of the most important figures in traditional Auvergne music these days;
Basile Bremaud, Jacques Puech and Yann Gourdon.
This record has been a starting point for the trio, as they have been touring with this line-up since, whether in
traditional concerts or respected underground music events. Far from being trivial, these venues have been
astounding successes in both worlds. Stay on the look-out for more !!
Recorded by Yann Gourdon with Standard In-Fi.
Mixed and mastered by Yann Gourdon. Artwork by Standard In-Fi. Painted by Standard In-Fi.
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std infi J. FRANCE / ELECTRIC ZOÏ sold out
CDR, 71 copies, paste-on Ricoh printed mailer on sealed cardboard cover. Released 2014.
Recorded live at the legendary Bourse du Travail in Saint Etienne, March 2013.
Recorded and mixed by France.
CDR, 50 copies, paste-on silkscreened sticker (9 different versions) on sealed flat cardboard cover.
Released 2013. sold out
Recorded live in Marseille, 2012 by Eric Vaudatin.
CDR, 25 copies, paste-on sticker on sealed flat cardboard cover. Released 2009. sold out
Recorded live in Pau by Tomàs Baudoin and Yann Prévost, 2009. High fidelity sound... for once.
std infi G. FRANCE / DO DEN HAAG CHURCH sold out
CDR, 45 copies, silkscreen on flat cardboard cover, paste-on stamped credit-etiquette.
Released 2009.
Recorded live in Den Haag in 2008. Absolute kosmiche drone !!
Recorded by France.
std infi F. UNKNOWN / ROQIYA
CDR, 50 copies, paste-on photocopy on sealed flat cardboard cover. Released 2008. sold out
Spoken word, lo-fi and religious, has been reprinted/remixed on vinyl as std infi 06.
Very strange sound !!
CDR, 50 copies, silkscreen inserted in plastic sleeve. Released 2008. sold out
Recorded live in Brest, 2008. Explosive sound !
Recorded by France
CDR, 40 copies, photocopy inserted in plastic sleeve, stamped date sticker. Released 2008. sold out
Recorded live in Clermont Ferrand 2008.
One of the classic France at Raymond Bar live-house... drunk, dirty and LOUD AS FUCK !
Recorded by France
std infi C. FRANCE / MANARA
CDR, 40 copies, plastic sleeve containing layers of rodoide. Released 2007. sold out
Recorded live in 2007. Weirdest sound, atypical tune from the band.
Recorded by Pierre-Vincent Fortunier.
CDR, 40 copies, paste-on sticker on flat cardboard cover. Released 2006. sold out
Recorded live in Clermont Ferrand, 2006. Not mastered from original tape material,
low fidelity, with love.
Recorded by Guilhem Lacroux and France.
You can find our material at following shops:
Milan (IT.) Sound Ohm
Bruxelles (BE.) Attila Tralala
Lyon (FR.) Sofa
Rennes (FR.) Blindspot
Bordeaux (FR.) Total Heaven
related labels :
Bongo Joe
Mental Groove
Ana Ott
Drone Sweet Drone
La Novìa
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